F R E E  R E S O U R C E
CFO Briefing

Is Employee Mental Health on your Balance Sheet?

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Kooth Work CFO workplace mental health ROI

The findings report from a roundtable of CFOs


Is your workplace mental wellbeing an asset or liability?

This paper is for leaders who want to make a case to 
their Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for investment in 
mental health initiatives.


About Kooth Work

Measurably improve the mental wellbeing of your workforce

Assessments, mental health support and 1-2-1 BACP accredited counselling - all available via mobile device.

Reporting and insights to provide your organisation visibility of the impact of mental health on your workforce and measure improvements.




Use our Flourish mental health assessments to understand the mental health risks hidden within your workforce and create targeted strategies.



Use our platform to provide employees with support options and easy access to BACP accredited counselling. While your dedicated success manager supports you and your team.



Continually improve your workforce mental wellbeing through anonymised reporting, employee engagement campaigns and strategic clinical recommendations.


BACP accredited counselling 

The only digital mental health platform with BACP accredited counselling.


Exceptional safeguarding

Completely anonymous with accredited counselling for employees in need and signposting to approved crisis support options.


Trusted by the NHS for 20 years

96% user approval rating.


Interested? Let's have a chat.

Book a call to find out more with how Kooth Work can support your mental wellbeing strategy in 2022. 

